Sunday, February 4, 2007


I was trying to post a picture here but everytime I try to upload an image from my computer, an error occurs.. So maybe, I'll just do that next time...

I actually decided to create a blog here because that way, I can access my blog without having to go through friendster... Anyway, I'm feeling rather down now that's why my first post which is supposed to be enthusiastic and full of life will be pretty short and a little tried...

My day was okay. I heard mass with my sister. It was my first time to ride her car with her driving and just me sitting beside her. She is getting good at it thought still a little bit nervous. And at least, my heart was not plummeting in my chest while she was at it;) I don't know though if I'll ever learn how to drive. I sometimes get so nervous just by siting beside the driver and seeing all those vehicles wheezing close by and those children suddenly darting across the street.

My vision is still pretty hazy as of this moment. I can't quite see what lies ahead of me or if all our plans will materialize... But that's why it's called faith.

