Thursday, May 10, 2007

Plunging headlong

It feels comforting that at least some of my fellow teachers, who have years of experience to their names, are feeling a little anxious to start our jobs and fall short of the expectations thrown at us... Yes. I have started with my job as a teacher and it's been almost two weeks since I started. I still get bouts of anxiety every now and then since this is entirely new to me and I am afraid to fall down splat to my face... I want to think though that I can do this and that our Lord thinks the same way for He won 't be giving me this job if I wouldn't be able to handle it, right? Of course. Yeah, that's the spirit. Ajah! One of my stressors for now is being one of the emcees for the freshman orientation. I mean I've stayed out of the spotlight for so long that I am not sure how I'll adjust now. I used to do a lot of extemporaneous and impromptu speaking when I was in highschool and some radio and TV performance back in college but I've aways kept a low profile ever since. I didn't want others to think like I'm flaunting my talents. You can imagine what I feel now. I mean I applied for this teaching job and made myself think that this is really what I want because I feel like I wasn't really cultivating the capabilities God has given me when I was still with Pagcor. I know it won't be easy and I'm sure I'll be facing problems and committing mistakes along the way. I'm just praying that I'll be able to go through all of that, scathed but at least without my head between my toes.

Oh God, You know how I am feeling riight now. I hope I don't fail You or my students or myself... And I am raising my hands in praise to You for all the blessings You have bestowed upon us. Thank you so much Lord. I surrender everything to You.

Nobody said it would be easy
Nobody said it won't break you
All you gotta do is have faith
Faith is all that matters
You gotta have some faith child

When things fall apart
When the center no longer holds
When the maze seems to lead you to doors
without exits
When the web you've created
feels like a hand pressing too gently and then
too hard around your neck
When tears stream down your face like
water gushing out of broken pipelines
When the air from your lungs struggles to
break free but fails
When the words you utter start to dry your
already parched lips
When the thousand sobs that you're holding
back suddenly shake your body like crazy
When there's no single tear left to shed
When there's no single pain left in your head
When life has escaped your convulsing body
That's when
I'll be there.